Friday, September 11, 2009


This past weekend was Labor Day and of course we had nothing planned, except for a Family Birthday Party for Liz.  Monday the 7th was Liz's 9th Birthday.  I am not sure who was more excited for her present me or her.

We had decided because of the holiday weekend there probably wouldn't be many of her friends in town so we decided to wait a couple of weeks to have a party with her friends.  Much to our surprise her cousin Chandlie showed up on Friday night to surprise her and boy were we ALL surprised.  Thanks Chand for coming.

I decided I wanted to make her cake.  I wanted to try and use fondant.(Not a good idea, it didn't go so well.)  So I ended up using Vanilla frosting, from a can, and then used fondant to decorate.  Ta Da!


For her presents she got a couple of CD's she has wanted and also a create a tag kit from Maycie. Now for the BIG surprise, which I had been keeping for 3 months.  I am taking Liz to see Miley Cyrus!!  I think she would have been a little more excited if big bro Sean hadn't played what if.


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I can't believe she is 9!!  Time flies by so fast so be sure and take the time to make every minute the best.


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