Sunday, August 23, 2009

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!!

We officially kicked off Sean's (#27) first season of tackle football. 


Our first game was against Manti and was supposed to be here in Richfield. The game had to be moved to Salina because of a water line break at the Richfield football field. 

Upon arriving at the field we found that they were running a little behind.  The 8th grade team had finished up with our 1st win of the day.  The 7th grade team was in the 2nd quarter.  While waiting for the game to finish up we waited under the shade of a tree.  With the 7th grade team taking home the 2nd win of the day it was time for the 6th grade team to take the field.  Woo Hoo.

I am not sure if I was nervous or excited or both.  With both older teams taking home wins we couldn't help but be excited to see the outcome of our 6th graders.

Entering into the 3rd quarter the game was 0-0.  I was starting to wonder what would happened if no one scored.  Then finally we got a TOUCHDOWN!!

With a second Touchdown we finished off the game with a win 14-0.  All 3 Richfield teams had wins!

Here are a few pics from our LONG, HOT but  EXCITING day!

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1 comment:

Candy McCall said...

Alyssa and I think Sean looks pretty cool in the uniform.
We can't wait to see him play!