Saturday, May 23, 2009

Farm Life

It's irrigation time!  It's not even June and we have watered the Farm twice.  I think after the 3rd year of being on our own with it, we have finally got the hang of it. Or should I say Cameron has the hang of it. 

The first year there was a lot of prep work and we all spent hours out digging furoughs and clearing away debris. After the first water I wondered "What kind of chore have we created?"   The second water the first year went rather smoothly.  After that first year it has just gotten better.  I wouldn't dare say easier because it is still a lot of work every year.  We still have to assemble and move pipe and of course watch the water when it is time.

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                                   Here are a few pics from the first year.

A couple of weeks ago during our first water of the year I was able to capture these great pics of Cameron.  He looks so comfortable and peaceful.   I wasn't able to help this time because of a yard sale conflict.(We decided to do a yard sale the same weekend.)  After the yard sale was done I ran to Subway and grabbed a sandwich for Cam and took it out to him.  I don't think he realized I was there until after I took the pics. 

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Cam came and sat with us while he ate his sandwich and of course Shane cannot resist food.  So Dad shared with him.



Cam & Nat said...

LOve it sarah!! YOu guys are great!!

Candy McCall said...

love you guys.