Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall Sports

 I know it is just barely fall and I am calling these fall sports.  Close enough right?  I wasn't able to get to as many games as I would have liked this year but I did get a few pictures. 

Sean (#3) just finished his last year of flag football.  He is a super fast runner and just loves football.  He talks about playing in the NFL and would love to play for the Denver Broncos someday.  I love his dreams and ambitions.

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Bottom picture: Sean about to make a touchdown before his flag was snagged.

Elizabeth (#12) played her second year of soccer.  I know she loves to play but sometimes I think it is more social for her.  At least it is some form of exercise even if she was chasing boys rather than chasing the ball .

Again I did not get many pictures because I wasn't able to make it to as many games.

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1 comment:

Amy B. said...

We've missed 4 out of the 5 games we've had...we have been so busy this year. I have to admit I really don't care either...I know....bad mom!!!