Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kindergarten Field Trip

Every year the Kindergarten class gets to go to the pumpkin patch and pick out 1 pumpkin.  This year it was Stockton's turn.  I was excited to go with him and help him pick his best pumpkin.  When we arrived to the pumpkin patch (via bus full of very excited children) we filed out and on to hay wagons pulled by tractors.  We rode the hay wagon out to the field FULL of all different sizes and shapes.

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Once Stockton was off the wagon I had a hard time keeping up with him and his buddies.  I think I would have been better off just staying in one place and letting him find me. After several minutes of walking the rows and rows of pumpkins he finally found the perfect one. 

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After having a picture taken for his class they all went for a walk where his teacher Mrs. Chappell showed them the different types of pumpkins and gourds.

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Then we loaded back on the wagon and went back to the bus.  After arriving back to the school it was time to go home for the day.  Yep, No school that day just a Field Trip.

1 comment:

Candy McCall said...

That little face of his ALWAYS gets me.