Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One on One time with Grandpa!

One night last week Grandpa Clark happened to be home alone and was going to take Cameron to dinner but I had plans and he had to stay home with kids so Grandpa took Liz to the Steakhouse. 

Liz came home and really enjoyed herself and the time she got to spend one on one with Grandpa.  Thanks to my friends at the Steakhouse I have an AWESOME picture to share.

Thank you Grandpa!

grandpa & Liz

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Day of School 2010!

I know I am about a month late but better late than never right?

Sean started 7th grade this year and technically this was his 2nd day of school. 

Elizabeth is a 4th grader and Stockton is in the 1st grade.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

4th of July 2010

The 4th is always filled with lots of food, family and fun.  This year was no different.  There were several BBQ’s, lots of cousins and the kids favorite Pop it’s!

The kids went through probably about 20 boxes. Shane couldn’t quite throw them hard enough so he learned to stomp on them. 

4th of July 2010 001 4th of July 2010 002

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And Stockton learned how to pop them in between his fingers! (Thanks Aunt Bekah!)

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Flag Pole Finally!

Cameron has wanted a flag pole in the front of the house for a really long time and now we finally have one thanks to the help of our friends!

After the help of the kids digging the hole, Dion came over and helped cement the support for the pole in the ground.

Flag Pole 002 Flag Pole 012

Flag Pole 014 Flag Pole 016

After the cement had cured for a couple of days, Jon Pratt and his family came over and Jon did all the welding and used his crane to lift the pole into the hole.  Shortly after the pole was in place, we flew the flag for the first time.  (sorry the pics are a little dark) 

Flag Pole 017 Flag Pole 019

                                 Flag Pole 020

Thank you to everyone for your help.  We LOVE being able to fly the American Flag in honor of our freedom.

                           Flag Pole 023

Also I have to thank Grandpa Potts for gluing & steri-stripping Stockton’s head after he ran into the pole for the first time.

Flag Pole Injury #1 001 Flag Pole Injury #1 005

Sunday, May 30, 2010


After many years of no baseball season I have one that wanted to play this year.(Well 2 but we didn’t get Liz signed up for softball.)

This is Stockton’s first year playing baseball and we skipped the Tball stage.  He is playing coach pitch and he LOVES it.  Once he connects with the ball he can get a pretty good hit out of it.

baseball2010 002 baseball2010 001

I love watching him play!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cozy Coupe

As the days got warmer we decided it was time to invest in an outdoor ride-on toy for Shane.  After a trip to Wal-Mart and a tough decision I decided on the Cozy Coupe.  As soon as we arrived home with our new purchase we spread all the little pieces out on the lawn and began to put it together.  We had a lot of help and after only putting the front wheels on wrong once we finally got it all together for Shane to play in.

Cozy Coupe 001 Cozy Coupe 003

                             Cozy Coupe 009

Cozy Coupe 013 Cozy Coupe 017

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Deacon!?

It has been a looooooong time since my last blog.

A couple of months ago Sean turned 12 and was ordained a Deacon!  I cannot believe how time flies.  I think it was yesterday that he took his first steps. 

I have had the honor to take him to gather Fast offerings these last 2 months and to watch him pass the sacrament.  I can’t believe what a wonderful young man he is growing up to be.